Glide in a gondola along Italian canals

Eat French Fries with a fork in FranceBackpack through IrelandTour the beautiful architecture of BarcelonaExplore Machu Picchu and “The Lost City of the Incas”Learn Arabic in Jordan from native speakersRead Tolstoy and Dostoyevsky at a cafe in MoscowHike Mt. KenyaSurf the white beaches off the eastern coast of Australia
If these things sound any bit enticing or appealing, then studying abroad is for you! Of course, as you know, earning credits overseas will be more than just surfing and eating crisp and flaky desserts. There are tons of opportunities, whatever your situation, to study abroad. All you have to decide is where on the map you want to go; how far away you want to get. And then decide whether you are up for that country’s food. Vegemite, anyone?
Why do people study abroad? Because they are thirsty for new culture, life, opportunity and adventure. What do you think? Not only is studying abroad a great way to experience these new things, it actually gives back in return. Here are some ways that studying abroad gives, instead of gets all of our American currency. And also a few reasons why you should study in a foreign country:
Learn a language. Whether it be Spanish, French, Mandarin, Portuguese or New Zealand slang, studying abroad will give you the opportunity to learn a new language and communicate with a whole new group of people. Be them the many speakers of Spanish, French, Mandarin, etc. Although with Kiwis, you might want to consider keeping the fake accent to a minimum.
Take those much anticipated adventures during your time off of school. During the weekends take the train to your desirable destination and enjoy yourself. Though in a foreign country, academics can be academics. Meaning redundancy is found on all 7 continents (though Antarctica doesn’t have much going on anyway). Studying abroad encompasses so much more than the academics; it is the atmosphere and setting while studying, and the experience in between studying.
Understand the life of another culture. This is a lot more broad than the traditional subjects that fall under culture such as food, language and individual habits. It digs deeper into the culture’s thoughts, beliefs and perceptions about life.
Become globally literate. Understanding a larger scope of the world can be taken advantage of through news, organization efforts, talking to people from other countries and more. But these resources do not compare to going to another country and seeing for yourself what you had previously only heard about. Through education, the high hopes of America are to make students globally literate. And that is why study abroad is so encouraged.
Develop helpful skills in and outside the classroom. Studying abroad gives students challenges to overcome in the classroom. Whether it be a language barrier, a heavier load or plain discomfort, students receive the opportunity to grow as students and as individuals. Being put into a new setting will challenge study abroad students in a way that forces them to come up with solutions and strategies to overcome difficulties.
Maximize your hiring eligibility. Since only 4% of US undergraduates study abroad, employers see these individuals as unique, self-motivated and willing to accept challenges. When you are the only applicant who has experience studying abroad, it will set you apart from the rest.
Bon voyage! ???? Buen Viaje! Bon ferð!
*Tso Moriri Lake, India photo by: Prabhu B, Gondola photo by: Gustey Travel
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