John Agnew from Florida asked: I’m about join the NAVY and I want to defer my student loans until I’m finished with A schooling. I have Federal as well as State backed student loans. Who would be the best person to contact about this?
Student Loan Advice: Hi John. First off, thank you for your service to our Country! Sounds like you’re a stand up young man. Now, those student loans of yours.
There are actually two or more people/administrations that you’re going to want to contact. The first is the people who lent you the money. Both Federal and the State programs. They will inform you as to your options, or at least they are suppose to! From some of the people I’ve run across in those loans programs, about the only thing they can tell you is what time Lunch is and when quitting time is! Let’s hope you get someone who knows what they’re talking about when you contact them.
The other people you need to contact is the Navy itself. You may be surprised to find that the U.S. Military has many programs to help you pay for College. Even some of the Branches such as the Navy and Air Force have programs that help their people either pay off loans or at least pay on the loans. Wouldn’t it be cool if they stepped up and took your loans over? You can never tell, so find out who you’ll talk to in your neck of the woods.
Most people have heard of the G.I. Bill, but few know that it covers a great deal of area. They’re also not aware that there are other programs in the Military designed to help make your life easier when you go to enroll in College.
Plus, if you’re wise before signing up with the U.S. Military, you may be able to get your training absolutely free plus gain some experience in the field where you want to make your career. This is a very popular path to career training for those who want to become Nurses, Doctors, Engineers, Heavy Equipment Operators, Pilots and even Attorney’s.
Especially in this day and age. The U.S. Military is looking to pay for students college as long as they put in the time and go into a needed area of expertise. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved. They get people the need to fill positions and you get a Class A education for little or no money.
So John, the future looks bright for you. I hope you take full advantage of the training and student loan benefits the U.S. Military will be offering.
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Tagged With air force, Contact, Fafsa, g.i. bill, military pays for college, military training, Navy, State Loans, Student Loans
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